Saturday, February 16, 2019

Week 4: Prompt 3: Effective is As Effective Does

Prompt: Think about the word EFFECTIVE.
Answer the question - What is definition of the word?  (If you use the definition from the list, you must cite dictionary.)  What does the word mean to you?  What are two ways you can be more effective in your college studies (it can relate to any aspect of your college studies)?

According to, effective means, “successful in producing a desired or intended result.”  This is an excellent definition of the word.

When I think of effective, I think of being successful, but being successful in the most strategic way.  So, I would rewrite the definition like this…

“being successful in producing a desired or intended result strategically.”

To be effective, you must be strategic.  Strategic means, “relating to the identification of long-term or overall aims and interests and the means of achieving them.”  You cannot just perform random task or wander aimlessly when trying to be effective.

I need to be more effective as a writer and a professor.  I have yet to master the art of staying on task as a professor and being a writer while I work as a professor.  (So, maybe this is circular reasoning, but it is what I need to be more effective at.

I always felt I could not write while I was teaching, but last year, I learned differently.  In November, I participated in NaNoWriMo.  You write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.  I successfully wrote over 50,000 words, 55,468 to be exact, and was successful as a professor.

It felt great to achieve success.

Now, I am striving to be effective doing it throughout the entire semester.  I still have not found an effective way to do it, yet.  It does not help that I have a totally different schedule this semester than I have had in the past.

But, let me be a growth mindset creator for a moment.

“I will write while being a college professor this semester… I will be effective at doing both!”

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