Friday, February 8, 2019

Week 3: Prompt 3: Burdened With Glorious PURPOSE

I’ve adopted the vision boarding technique of choosing a word for the year and making it the focal point of my endeavors, activities, and thought process for the entire year.  I discovered this online in a Facebook group for Planning.  It hit me like a ton of bricks… “This could work for me!”  I embraced it and went full force with the idea.

My word for the year is PURPOSE. dictionary defines the word as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.”  It also means, “have as one's intention or objective.” defines the word like this, “the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.”  Another definition is “an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.”  One last definition, “to intend; design.”

All of the definitions about fit.  But the one that best suits my purpose is…
“an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal.”

That’s what I’m focused on this year… an intended or desired result.  I chose the word PURPOSE specifically for that reason.  I want to act on purpose to accomplish several goals.  If I accomplish these goals, it will help me have a sense of accomplishment and will help me be better because I will have grown, matured, and changed some habits and my thinking.

I have some things I want to accomplish, and to accomplish them, I will need to be PURPOSEFUL with my actions, thinking, and planning.  There are four areas in my life where I have a specific purpose.

In regards to my faith, I want to find, join, attend, and get active in a church, making it my home.  I haven’t had a church home in over a year, so I need to find one and get busy.  I have gifts and talents that I need to use.

As a professor, I want to change the hearts, lives, and minds of students, specifically about writing, but in thinking about college success, too.
One other thing I want to do is to inspire a writer like my creative writing teacher from high school, Mrs. Spightner, did me.  She helped me discover my best writing gift, and I want to do that for someone else.

I want to read more this year.  Here’s what I want to do… read as many books on my calling and gifts as I can.  Write down what I learn and apply it.  I have to remember to apply.  My purpose won’t be fulfilled if I don’t apply it.

Lastly, as a writer, I want to finish all my unfinished NOVELS!  This is where the idea of purpose came from.  I have too many novels that I haven’t finished, and I need to finish them on PURPOSE and with PURPOSE.  I have tried in the past to finish them, but I wasn’t successful.  I feel that this year is filled with purpose, so I’ll be able to do it.

I feel like Loki of Asgard… 

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