Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week 3: Prompt 3: 2020 Is My Year of VISION

Blog Prompt 3 – Think about a word that would be beneficial to you as you journey through 2020.
Write your post answering these questions:
What would (is) your word for 2020?  What does the word mean (look it up in the dictionary)?  Why did you choose this word?  How can it help you be a better you in 2020?

My word for 2019 was PURPOSE.  Here’s a post where I talk about it.  Last year, I wanted everything I did to be on purpose, for a purpose, with a specific purpose in mind.

This year, my word is VISION.  I was inspired by Habakkuk 2:2… (NLV) Then the Lord answered me and said, “Write down the special dream on stone so that one may read it in a hurry…”  this word came to me in late November as I began working on my novel for NANOWRIMO, Gossip.  As I set out to begin writing, I was determined (and still am determined) to finish this novel for this writing year.

I became stalwart in my demeanor and endeavors to get this done.  So, I began to say… “My vision for 2020 is to complete my novel.”  Then… that became my word for 2020.

Vision… a noun that means… the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom.

It became clear that completing my vision would not be without obstacles when in November, the very first week, I was hit with news that rocked my world to the core.  For November, I was unable to write in a way that was significant.  I became discouraged as a writer and wanted to give up on my VISION for 2020.

But, when it came time to work on my journal, vision board, and planning for 2020, I became inspired once again to go for it.

So, with that… I wrote it down…

And began to walk it out in my life…

I needed this inspiration to get started…

I created an ACRONYM for VISION.  This was very liberating for me because it help me see clearly how I needed to go about accomplishing my goals.

I’m excited about my word for this year.  I’m looking forward to seeing my vision come to pass this year.

Chuck Swindoll gives me an excellent reminder.

Iyanla Vanzant encourages me to go forward.

And God settles it…