Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 7: Prompt 1: Summarizing to the Point...

Prompt – Why is it important to be direct, objective, and use your own words when summarizing?

When summarizing, you must tell only the essential information needed to understand the message of the writing.  You have to be direct, objective, and use your own words when summarizing.

You have to be direct because it helps you get to the point without adding unnecessary information that is not needed.

You must be objective when summarizing because you can’t add your opinion to the summary.  When summarizing, you are telling what the writer wrote, not how you feel about the writing itself, so objectivity is a must.

You must use your own words because you are telling the “story” in your own words.  You won’t be believable if you try to summarize using language that isn’t your own.  In academic writing, you must use academic language, but it should be in a way that is reflective of your voice.

Summarizing isn’t always easy, but if you strive to be direct, objective, and use your own voice, you can do a good job of sharing information that you’ve learned to others.

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