Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 2: Prompt 2: College Ain't Easy

Prompt: What advice can you give a high schooler who is preparing for college? Be sure to give specific, concrete, sound, helpful advice.

As a college professor, teaching Dual Credit classes, now, I would encourage high schoolers, specifically juniors and seniors to take Dual Credit classes, if available at their school.  Taking Dual Credit classes give students a chance to see what college is like.  It helps them understand the pacing of the courses, what is required, and how college is different than high school.

By taking a Dual Credit class, often on their school campus, students also have another advantage.  They get to take a college level course, and get college credit in the process, so when they get to their selected college campus, they will not have to take that class, because they took it as a high school student.  Most classes offered are core courses that the students will have to take for their degree requirements.

Dual Credit gives high school students a distinct benefit; they learn valuable lessons and skills that will help them when they go to the college of their choice.  They will be better equipped to handle certain aspects of college because they have knowledge that other college freshmen do not already have.

Many community or junior colleges offer Dual Credit classes, which I learned after getting a job as an English professor.  I wish I had this option when I was a high school student.

If your school offers Dual Credit classes, please check them out, but remember, you have to be ready to be a college student, because that is how the professor will treat you.

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